The Hall’s

Welcome to my Blog!

The Hall’s are a retired couple living on a small farm deep in the heart of Northeast Texas. We were highschool sweethearts and after marriage we moved to the big city (Dallas) to make our fortune living.

After retirement we moved from the big city lights to return to the rural community where we grew up. We are enjoying the change. We stay busy with the cows, raising hay, gardening, mowing grass, and all the other things required to run a farm.

I have always enjoyed arts and crafts and with more time on my hands I began taking painting lessons. I really enjoy painting and started this blog to display some of the crafts I have made and things that I have painted.

Now that we have reached the fine old age of senior citizens (plus a little bit more) we’re still enjoying the present and allowing the future to be a surprise.

Hope you enjoy my blog!

4 thoughts on “The Hall’s

  1. Monique

    would LOVE to live on a farm, so far hubby isnt buying it. haha He grew up in a rural setting guess he isnt interested in going back. So for now I guess Ill have to get my farm fix thru you! So post lots of pictures for me! haha Have a great day!

    1. Betty Post author

      Hi Monique, maybe someday your husband will change his mind. We moved to the farm after we retired. Now, we don’t even like to visit the big city. Life is full of changes. Thanks’ for visiting and your comments.


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