Back Door Fall Decoration

Just a funny little wooden pumpkin decoration I made to sit by the back entrance to say, “Welcome”, to our back door guests.

Did you notice the little green hedgeapple sitting by the bucket? In Texas these are called horse apples.  They are supposed to be used to repel bugs, spiders, ants, mice, etc. We are testing out that theory. We will see if they work.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by, you’re always welcome back!

2 thoughts on “Back Door Fall Decoration

  1. Florence

    Hi Betty. Super welcome decoration. Mr. Pumpkin is lovely. I am interested to see if the apple works! Where I live they use clear plastic bottles filled with water by the door or hanging from vines to repel insects. I have no idea how it works.
    Regards Florence.

    1. Betty Post author

      Thanks Florence, The hedgeapple seems to be working, or is it the cooler weather. We have been invaded by what we call water bugs this year. Maybe it was the lack of rainfall and they are coming in the house for water. I have not heard of using water in clear plastic bottles. I will sit one out on the back steps today.


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